Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mandelbrot Set

First post on my blog and it's the most boring topic i can think of. It's about the Mandelbrot set. Here's the starting image:
The Mandelbrot set is a fractal which means it has small copies of itself in the set.
Let's try zooming in between the head and the body:
And now we try to zoom into one of those seahorse-like things:

And now into its tail:
And to those little things that make up that tail:
Now to that area that looks like a sideways "S":

There's a Minibrot inside it! What images do we get in we zoom in further? Let's see:

Now we zoom in further to the center in that part:

Another minibrot!

If you want to zoom in on the Mandelbrot set yourself, here's a free program called GNU XaoS.

For more info about the Mandelbrot set and fractals:
Wikipedia article about the Mandelbrot set.
Wikipedia article about the Fractals.

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